Pigment stains removal

What is skin pigmentation?

Skin pigment is its shade or coloration due to pigment melanin content. The more it is the darker the skin is. Except racial and ethnic factor, production and accumulation of this natural substance depends on many internal and external reasons. Among these are endocrine profile, the state of gastro-intestinal tract, inborn or aging skin changes, local or common appliance of medications, traumas, various diseases, sun activity or unnatural ultraviolet irradiation.

Skin colored by melanin evenly doesn’t cause problems. A different matter is disturbance of this evenness- dyspigmentation.
Laser apparatus with Q-MED technology is effectively used for the removal of diffuse (general) or limited, stand, unnaturally dark skin color – hyperpigmentation. The causes of such conditions are most often sunburns, pregnancy, congenital flat growths “coffee with milk” and age trophic skin changes with limited pigment spots.

A principle of Laser Q-MED hyperpigmentation removal

Melanin lies in the outer layers of the skin. Melanin strongly absorbs the laser pulses of 532 nm in length. In some cases the infrared radiation with a wavelength of 1064 nm is used for its destruction. Usually limited pigmentation spots have rich relatively even color.
In the course of the procedure, which lasts for a second, the spot darkens. Further, in the zone of laser light exposure swelling is observed, minor intradermal bruising expected. Within one to two days the swelling is lost.

On the seventh day the pigment stain starts lightening and usually disappears by the end of the second week since the day of the procedure. Special face care is not required. It is useful to use softening and nourishing creams. Applying of makeup is allowable immediately after the procedure. Usually only one laser irradiation is enough for limited pigment spots removal, but when working with strongly colored area of skin repeated procedures are not excluded. To completely restore its color at least five or six treatments are required.

Laser removal of vessels, vascularity spots, spider veins on the face and body with Nd: YAG laser technology:

Enlarged vessels on face and body – red or blue spider veins are common.Diameter of healthy blood vessels is about 20 microns. Enlarged vessels of 100 microns (0.1 mm) and more in diameter form telangiectasia. The term telangiectasiais is derived from three Latin words tel, angio, ectasia, which means an extended tip of the vessel.

Why do they appear?

There are many causes of the appearance of telangiectasia. This is primarily a genetic predisposition. The main endogenous factors (internal factors of telangiectasia occurrence are liver diseases, disorders of the venous outflow, lipofibromas dystrophy of subcutaneous tissue, bleeding disorders, pregnancy, which often serves as the impetus for the development of, or a significant increase in the number of telangiectasia. Young women can suffer spider veins on the legs after childbearing, and older people -the patency of veins.

Many external factors can even enhance their appearance. This abnormality occurs in 30-40% of people. Telangiectasia often affects women as estrogens have relaxing effect on the blood vessels muscles thus increasing their inclination то venous dilatation.

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