Anti-couperosis therapy is specifically developed for the professional care of dehydrated sensitive skin with signs of telangiectasia, impaired microcirculation in the tissues, low tone and elasticity of blood vessels.
Specially selected components of anti- couperosis phytotherapy are aimed at:
• improvement of capillary circulation
• normalization of lymph circulation in skin tissues
• releasing tension from the walls of blood vessels
• elimination of toxins
• prolonged deep hydration
• intensive nutrition
• saturation of the skin with vitamins and trace elements
• accelerate recovery of the epidermis
• increasing skin immunity
All the products included in the composition of herbal therapy have delicate texture, do not contain perfumes and synthetic dyes, active ingredients are fully absorbed by the skin thanks to plant components fitoandreol. All components of this therapy have been dermatologically tested and meet the highest standards of modern cosmetology.
It is recommended to carry out the procedures 2 times a week. The course of the therapy consists of 7-10 procedures depending on the skin condition. As precaution measures and to maintain the effect of this therapy it is recommended to carry out the therapy 2 times a month.