Vascular Stars

Couperose (vascular stars) is the widening of small blood vessels (without any inflammatory processes). It is expressed by the visible expression of skin blood vessels, looks like a small network or spider web and is usually red, blue or purple.

Vascular stars may vary in terms of the way they are expressed. In some cases, several types can be noticed at once. The treatment is usually the same, depending on the level of complexity and expression.

Causes of emergence

  • genetic predisposition
  • blood vessel disorder
  • childbirth
  • hormonal imbalance
  • menopause
  • low strength of walls of vessels
  • liver diseases and gastrointestinal disorders
  • endocrine disorders
  • circulatory disorders

Vascular stars are usually seen on the face and legs, but rarely on hands, neck and back.

Today, laser removal of vascular stars is one of the more well-known methods. The laser beam ‘glues’ the blood vessels. Radiation is carried out at a frequency that only damaged blood vessels respond to.


20-30 minutes

Duration of course

The intervention is repeated two to three times a week, if necessary.


  • pregnancy and lactation period
  • diabetes
  • connective tissue disease
  • infectious diseases

Vascular stars are often considered a cosmetic defect. They do not cause any inconvenience. There is a widespread wrong opinion that vascular stars cause widening of blood vessels, but this is not always the case. There are cases when widening of blood vessels is diagnosed, but there are no vascular stars.

You need to see a doctor when  vascular stars appear. The doctor needs to give the right diagnosis and select the treatment method. In certain cases, we recommend that our visitors undergo sclerotherapy.

At Avanta, consultations are free of charge.

Phlebological services are also available at our clinic. We offer all the latest methods of treatment for widening of blood vessels.

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