
HairRestart is an innovative laser method that enhances scalp hair and is targeted at the restoration of the blood vessels nourishing hair roots and the creation of more appropriate conditions for new hair to grow.

The latest device of the Fotona company was introduced in 2019 and serves as a new and fundamental approach to treatment of hair loss and deterioration of quality of hair.

Essence of intervention

The laser improves blood flow and stimulates metabolism. It also stimulates the growth of new tissues.

The laser helps rejuvenate the skin and improves hair growth.


  • no climatic restrictions
  • designed for both men and women
  • painless


  • hair thinning
  • androgenic alopecia
  • hair loss caused by stress
  • weak and pale hair
  • hair loss after childbirth and after being on a strict diet

Duration: 15-30 minutes

One course: 3-6 interventions

Frequency: twice a week


  • meso and plasmo therapies
  • peelings
  • hair transplant

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