Aesthetic gynecology

Currently, aesthetic gynecology includes several different directions, including laser rejuvenation and contour plastics with gynecological fillers based on hyaluronic and polylactic acids, etc.

Aesthetic gynecology is intended to make sure the intimate parts of the body function the right way.

The primary objective of a gynecologist is to improve the quality of life of the visitor.


During pregnancy, a woman’s organism prepares the woman for the transfer of the child through vaginal delivery. During this process, hormones that strengthen collagen fibers are produced. The mentioned procedure is performed, regardless of whether the child was born through natural childbirth or through C-section.

As a result, the tissue on the vaginal walls becomes weak, and this leads to the reduction of sexual feelings. The medical effects of this procedure are characterized by increase of the risk of inflammatory processes. Modern technologies allow to solve several problems through the non-invasive method in a matter of minutes.

Avanta offers the following aesthetic gynecology services:

  • laser vaginal tightening
  • laser therapy for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence
  • plastic vaginal injection
  • whitening of labia (vaginal lips)
  • labiaplasty

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